"Your dedication to this issue is making a better and
brighter tomorrow for our nation. I truly value your insight."
- Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. (2011)
Ending Violence Against Women International EVAW
2 Day Regional Training
The Westin Charlotte
The goal is to provide front-line responders and other community stakeholders such as teachers, therapists, public helath workers, researchers, and social workers with access to cutting edge training in the areas of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges, parole and probation, rape crisis workers, medical personnel, faith community, educators, therapists, public health workers, researchers, social workers, etc.
Contact: EVAW International – (509) 684-9800
Posted on: 25 Oct, 2012
Mark Wynn Consulting | info@markwynn.com | 2500 Murfreesboro Road - Suite 105 - PMB 135 | Nashville, TN 37217
Phone: (615) 360-3994 | Fax: (615) 469-0823