"Your dedication to this issue is making a better and
brighter tomorrow for our nation. I truly value your insight."
- Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. (2011)
Law Enforcement Challenges and Changes in the Response to Violence Against Women
Lt. Wynn motivates his audience to look at violence in the family through the eyes of a twenty-year public servant and a ten-year survivor of domestic violence. He discusses the importance of leadership and the challenges of dealing with the most committed and often the least reported crimes in the United States. How we communicate to victims and the public defines our priority today, our standard of professionalism and of our vision for the future. He challenges law enforcement and community leaders to change the climate of our organization by holding ourselves and our agencies accountable for professional and informed response and to examine the impact of our culture on effectively responding to and investigating violence against women crimes.
He inspires his audience to further their understanding of victim’s lack of protection and loss of trust in government and the community, as well as who pays the price for failing the victims of this often hidden crime. He draws a clear connection of the power and control used in terrorism to domestic violence and challenges his audience to change the system to insure the safety of the victim, the police and the community.
Mark Wynn Consulting | info@markwynn.com | 2500 Murfreesboro Road - Suite 105 - PMB 135 | Nashville, TN 37217
Phone: (615) 360-3994 | Fax: (615) 469-0823